22 MAR 2015
Playing With Small Pets
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Small Animal Toys | Guinea Pigs | Hamsters | Rats and Mice | Degus | Gerbils
No matter what size our pets are, like any human they can get bored. It’s important to provide them with plenty of enrichment activities to keep them entertained as well as the added bonus of strengthening your bond with them! Whatever you decide to play with them, make sure it’s fun for the both of you. Never force your fur friends into taking part if they don’t seem interested. There are certain times of the day that different pets are more active. Gerbils, hamsters and rats are more active at dawn and dusk. Take their sleeping schedule into consideration when you decide to introduce them to new enrichment activities to understand when they will most likely want to play. Just to make things easier for you, we’ve put our heads together in the office and made up a list of the best activities you can do with your small pets. Enjoy! 1. Training Training your pets can be perfect for both physical and mental enrichment. Every pet has the cap.. [More] gerbilcute.jpg
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